- 25 years U.S. and international experience helping innovative companies and people grow. -

Jay Andrew Smith, MBA

  • Educator - Entrepreneur - Advisor
  • New York/San Francisco/Japan
  • Email:


  • Director, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program, University of Maryland, Honors College
  • Associate Professor Kagoshima (National) University, Japan (2005-2010) - Inaugural Faculty, Inamori Academy endowed by Kyocera Corporation & its founder, Kazuo Inamori
  • Focus: Venture Development, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation


  • Consulting services for U.S. and Asian technology and services companies
  • Advise on strategy, business plans, business development, investments, and raising capital
  • 5 years with NY & Tokyo boutique Booz-Allen & Hamilton-spinoff consulting firms

    finance professional

  • Former Senior Vice President with Jefferies & Company, (NYSE: JEF) investment bank
  • Raised over $400 million for technology-based clients
  • Inaugural Member Jefferies Venture Capital group


  • Co-founded Tokyo-based internet technology, services & media business
  • Raised over $4 million in equity capital
  • Clients: American Chamber, Citibank, Anheuser-Busch, IBM, Motorola, Coca-Cola
  • Developed JMail email service - Japan's largest domain name holder
  • Published Tokyo Journal magazine

    Japan experience

  • 12+ years Japan experience as consultant, technology entrepreneur, educator


  • MBA from Harvard Business School 1989
  • Focus on entrepreneurship, creativity & technology, Asian Business Club
  • Created View from the Skydeck for HBS newspaper

  • BA with Honors from Rutgers University, 1985
  • Double-major in economics & physics
  • Outstanding Senior Economics Major, Phi Beta Kappa

  • 21st Century Leadership program graduate
  • Member, Academy of Management

    copyright (c) 2010, Jay A. Smith